If you don't see a module that you need, there are 3 main options:
1. Make it yourself! Compatible modules are easy to make. Just put mounting holes for #4 screws that align to a 0.5" grid and you can mount whatever you like onto the backplanes. Our modules have 0.2" spacing between the mounting holes and the edge of the PCB to allow 0.1" clearance between modules.
2. Send us a request for a quote on making a custom module for you and we will review it. If you are willing to allow us to sell the design here, the quote will be discounted.
3. Find a module or product elsewhere that does what you need. You may be lucky and it will have mounting holes on a 0.5" grid or be able to be installed in a solderless breadboard. If not, it would be relatively easy to fabricate an adapter.